This library, is a labor love and dedication to the various black Women across the globe fighting for us, educating us & prioritizing us. we find that its discouraging for many young Black women we know we are knowledge producers.

For a long time we've been told that good writes come from a particular place, are men and/or white. by creating this library, we are actively challenging this narrative.creating a table of our own & inviting all black women who write to sit with us. the library will be for everyone to use. men, women, NB,GNC.folx everyone

The absence of spaces that encourage us to engage with black women's work lead to communities that don't read with/write for creating this space, you have material you can use for school research, for projects,for work &so forth. we encourage you to see the potential in the works of black women.

Black Female Authors

Ngozi Adichie

What does "feminism" mean today? that is the question at the heart of We should All Be Femnists , personal.Americanah and Half of a Yellow Sun

bell hooks

“The process begins with the individual woman’s acceptance that American women, without exception, .” Ain't I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism

Audre Lorde

The master's tools will never dismantle the master's house, gratitude is key.



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